Monday, November 30, 2009

Why Me, Lord?!

It is almost impossible to figure out why the Lord would place me in the ministries He has over my life. Why would He call me to have a group for troubled teen girls when my own kids were in elementary school? Why would He call me to direct a large aerobics ministry when my body would certianly say otherwise? Why would He call me to be the camp mom at our church camp when I had no experience in that? Why would He call me to be the Director of a single parent family ministry when I have been happily married for over 35 years now? Why?!

Because He knows that nothing is impossible when He calls us. He also knows that I can't take any of the glory for something I know nothing about, right? He doesn't call us to something and then leave us "flapping in the breeze." He goes before us and will equip us. We don't have to prove anything to anyone. We just need to be faithful in serving Him, be responsible and walk in humility.

I find it difficult to serve in ministry with people with large egos and pride. I don't believe there is room in ministry for those things because then it is about us. I also believe there is no room in ministry for competition. If we are all serving the Lord God, we all have the same purpose and all have our place in ministry.

Anyone who really knows me will tell you that unity of ministry is utmost because that is what the Lord requires. Division in the body of Christ, no matter where it surfaces, is, in my opinion, a slap in His face. If division is not of God, then who is it of? Hmmmm.

No matter, what you have or have not gone through, God can use you for His purposes and for His glory. Move ahead with confidence and strength and if you don't feel like you have those, then remember He can give it to you. Then you CAN give Him all the glory, just like me.

Why me? Why NOT me? Why NOT you?