Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Layers of Ministry

I find that in every ministry I lead, there are numerous layers of ministry. I used to lead L.I.F.E. Aerobics in the 80's and had 50 instructors with about 1500 students. The layers in that ministry were to the students and their families, the instructors professionally as well as personally, dealing with the press, endless boards and pastors in the church. I would listen to every single lyric of every single song to make sure they were accurate and uplifting. I would also be careful about dance movements so they were helpful but not inappropriate.

Giving concerts for 8 more years, the ministry layers would include encouraging pastors, ministering in song and then to audience members after the concert. There were also times I would be led to minister to the people who had me in their homes.

Speaking at retreats, conferences and events always opens several layers of ministry. The minority of ministry sometimes is at the podium followed by hours of one-on-one ministry to the hurting and encouraging them to reach for God in their circumstances.

When I was the camp mom at our church-owned camp for five years, the layers multiplied. With over 3500 campers over each summer, I worked 70 hours per week loving these children with the love of the Lord. I heard children cry in hurt and anger over what was happening in their families. I heard the same things from the counselors and some of the summer staff as they would pour their hearts out. When there were campers who were in need of correction, invariably, there was immense hurt behind their behavior. Another layer.

Moving into Family Connections, our single parent family ministry, I feel like "everybody's mama". These families are in great need of the arms of Jesus around them and someone to just accept them for who they are; baggage and all. There are young children and teens who are devastated by the breakup of their families. There are parents who are defeated, stressed and filled with various emotions. There are grandparents who have lost their grandchildren through the divorce process of their kids. There are young adults who are afraid to commit to marriage because they don't want to go through or put their own children through the pain they lived through.

Yes, it gets heavy sometimes and I feel like the weight is too great for me and then I have to remember that Jesus is the Answer to every single hurt we may have in life. He is a God of forgiveness, healing, love, acceptance and grace. I want to be the extension of His loving arms to whomever God puts in front of me and let Him take it from there.

Layers are many in ministry, yes, but God is bigger than them all and His Holy Spirit can guide us through every single layer for His glory.
">"Thank You, Lord, that I am a layer to You too. Thank You for caring about me, filling me with Your Spirit, guiding me in all layers of ministry and for Your Word, my greatest resource. I give You all the glory!"