Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Seeds of Kindness

What would happen to seeds if we just dropped them on the ground and left water, no sun, no tending or weeding? They would surely die, right?

What would happen to someone who is hurting, feels isolated, struggling in life and is just existing in life? They can emotionally, spiritually and physically die as well, right?

We get so busy in our lives that we don't even notice the hurting unless they are standing at an intersection asking for money. We may not see the single mom struggling with her three kids in the parking lot, or the older gentleman sitting in church alone, or new people walking in our church doors on Sunday, or.......too busy.

God sent us to earth to extend His arms of love, care and grace, but many times our arms are folded and we miss many chances to show His love, acceptance, encouragement and grace.

When my husband was in the hospital recently, we were given a beautiful white mum plant. After we got home, I realized that their little heads were drooping and I needed to water them. I did and it wasn't long before their heads began to lift and look full again.

That is the same thing that happens to someone we might encourage or assist; their heads begin to lift as we pour the Living Water over them. There is new hope.

Look around you as you go through a day, whether it is at work, during a workout, in the church, in a restaurant or whatever. Who could you gently connect with and extend the arms of Jesus to? A waitress? a coach? a single parent? a hurting teen? Let's unfold our arms and reach out today, in the name of Jesus.

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