Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Taking the Time

Where does the time go?! I mean, one minute I am singing in the Easter concerts and the next minute, here we are celebrating Labor Day! What just happened? Oh, I know....time marches on, whether we are ready or not.

I have heard that the older we get, the faster time moves. This makes me think that I need to stay on task and use every available moment to serve the Lord God with all the energy I have and with all the heart and soul the Lord has given me.

My mom used to tell me that I was never one to rest and relax much and that I was always busy doing something. I guess that hasn't changed because I find it hard to take a vacation and not think about ministry back here at home.

My husband and I went on two wonderful vacation trips during the past month and I decided that I wasn't going to connect much with people at home (text, e-mail, facebook, twitter, phone or face to face), not hear anyone's problems and just enjoy each moment during the trips. It was easy during the first part of our first trip, but I found myself praying for people at home who were going through crisis.

During the second trip, I answered a few texts from people who were struggling and who needed a connection and some advice. I still tried to set some boundaries. All in all, I had a wonderful time with my husband and our friends, have incredible memories, but am glad to get back to ministering to people with passion and heart.

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