Monday, November 1, 2010

Twists and Turns

Life has so many twists and turns and so many ups and downs. Sometimes it is easy and effortless to adjust and sometimes it can be an entire life change.

I find myself in a place where God is twisting and turning my life and only He knows where it is leading. My trust is secure in Him and I am committed to following Him in every step. I kind of feel like I am on the edge of a cliff; I don't believe I am going to fall. I feel I will fly, however, I don't know what is out there or what the Lord has prepared for me. It's wide open space in front of me.

Two of the biggest things I have learned through all my time in ministry is that He is faithful to equip me and He goes before me, therefore, I don't need to walk in fear. I can walk in complete confidence in Him. I could never have thought up L.I.F.E. Aerobics or recording albums or being a camp mom or leading a large single parent family ministry! I am just not that smart!! I am, however, willing to follow the Lord and take one step at a time. "I am NOTHING without Him, but I am EVERYTHING with Him," like my father used to say.

Sometimes when we are leading worship or doing something else up front, others can tell if they are performing or truly being effective. Some care about what others think of them and how they can "be seen" as they "build their kingdom. Some would admit it and some would not. "Lord, keep me humble and meek. I give You all the glory and am grateful for what You are doing."

I remember a very old hymn with the lyrics...
Where He leads me, I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow.
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

WITH Him, not in front of Him; pushing my way to success or popularity. Through these twists and turns, I will envision Him leading me just like my father led me through ministry for so long. My eyes are on Him, my arms are open to His will, my heart is full of love and surrender to Him and I am ready to fly off that cliff, in the name of Jesus!

May the Lord bless you with clear direction,that you see His purpose in you and enjoy the journey.

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