Monday, November 1, 2010

Twists and Turns

Life has so many twists and turns and so many ups and downs. Sometimes it is easy and effortless to adjust and sometimes it can be an entire life change.

I find myself in a place where God is twisting and turning my life and only He knows where it is leading. My trust is secure in Him and I am committed to following Him in every step. I kind of feel like I am on the edge of a cliff; I don't believe I am going to fall. I feel I will fly, however, I don't know what is out there or what the Lord has prepared for me. It's wide open space in front of me.

Two of the biggest things I have learned through all my time in ministry is that He is faithful to equip me and He goes before me, therefore, I don't need to walk in fear. I can walk in complete confidence in Him. I could never have thought up L.I.F.E. Aerobics or recording albums or being a camp mom or leading a large single parent family ministry! I am just not that smart!! I am, however, willing to follow the Lord and take one step at a time. "I am NOTHING without Him, but I am EVERYTHING with Him," like my father used to say.

Sometimes when we are leading worship or doing something else up front, others can tell if they are performing or truly being effective. Some care about what others think of them and how they can "be seen" as they "build their kingdom. Some would admit it and some would not. "Lord, keep me humble and meek. I give You all the glory and am grateful for what You are doing."

I remember a very old hymn with the lyrics...
Where He leads me, I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow,
Where He leads me I will follow.
I'll go with Him, with Him all the way.

WITH Him, not in front of Him; pushing my way to success or popularity. Through these twists and turns, I will envision Him leading me just like my father led me through ministry for so long. My eyes are on Him, my arms are open to His will, my heart is full of love and surrender to Him and I am ready to fly off that cliff, in the name of Jesus!

May the Lord bless you with clear direction,that you see His purpose in you and enjoy the journey.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Taking the Time

Where does the time go?! I mean, one minute I am singing in the Easter concerts and the next minute, here we are celebrating Labor Day! What just happened? Oh, I know....time marches on, whether we are ready or not.

I have heard that the older we get, the faster time moves. This makes me think that I need to stay on task and use every available moment to serve the Lord God with all the energy I have and with all the heart and soul the Lord has given me.

My mom used to tell me that I was never one to rest and relax much and that I was always busy doing something. I guess that hasn't changed because I find it hard to take a vacation and not think about ministry back here at home.

My husband and I went on two wonderful vacation trips during the past month and I decided that I wasn't going to connect much with people at home (text, e-mail, facebook, twitter, phone or face to face), not hear anyone's problems and just enjoy each moment during the trips. It was easy during the first part of our first trip, but I found myself praying for people at home who were going through crisis.

During the second trip, I answered a few texts from people who were struggling and who needed a connection and some advice. I still tried to set some boundaries. All in all, I had a wonderful time with my husband and our friends, have incredible memories, but am glad to get back to ministering to people with passion and heart.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

For some of us, Father's Day is a day to celebrate and for some of us, it is a day that we wish didn't even exist. The stores are filled with sales on polo shirts, ties, BBQs, and all kinds of other things that dads would enjoy.

Personally, it is a bittersweet day because, although our kids are here to celebrate the wonderful dad they have in Ivan, my father is no longer here to celebrate with. Ivan is a wonderful father who is a man of integrity and high character; a godly man who his children adore.,

I have amazing memories of my dad, who died last spring. We shared incredible memories of ministry over the years. He was a mentor to me, a very close friend and someone I highly respected and loved. We would laugh at silly things until we squeeked(mostly when we were tired). We talked for hours about the Lord and the Word. He was proud of me and I was proud of him, but we both knew everything good about us was because of Who was in us.I miss him so much but I rejoice that He is with our heavenly Father, who he served for over 50 years. That is what I want to do. Thanks, Dad for being the shining example of our Heavenly Father and for being the best dad I could have possibly had.

On a ministry level, I see many children who will not see their dad this Father's Day because of divorce. Maybe their dad walked out on the family, maybe they were not healthy dads to be around or they landed in prison. Maybe their dad died and these kids will never see them again. Through custody battles, some kids see their dads every week and some don't see them at all.

We can't bring their fathers back, but we can sure help them to know a Father Who will not leave them, hurt them, put them down, or ignore them. He can be trusted and will never leave them, will always be there to listen, loves them unconditionally and they can spend forever with them. Praise His name.

On a practical level, if you know of a child who doesn't have a father around, maybe ask them to join you for a fun activity and help build memories. Help take the sting out of Father's Day and beyond for them.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Seeds of Kindness

What would happen to seeds if we just dropped them on the ground and left water, no sun, no tending or weeding? They would surely die, right?

What would happen to someone who is hurting, feels isolated, struggling in life and is just existing in life? They can emotionally, spiritually and physically die as well, right?

We get so busy in our lives that we don't even notice the hurting unless they are standing at an intersection asking for money. We may not see the single mom struggling with her three kids in the parking lot, or the older gentleman sitting in church alone, or new people walking in our church doors on Sunday, or.......too busy.

God sent us to earth to extend His arms of love, care and grace, but many times our arms are folded and we miss many chances to show His love, acceptance, encouragement and grace.

When my husband was in the hospital recently, we were given a beautiful white mum plant. After we got home, I realized that their little heads were drooping and I needed to water them. I did and it wasn't long before their heads began to lift and look full again.

That is the same thing that happens to someone we might encourage or assist; their heads begin to lift as we pour the Living Water over them. There is new hope.

Look around you as you go through a day, whether it is at work, during a workout, in the church, in a restaurant or whatever. Who could you gently connect with and extend the arms of Jesus to? A waitress? a coach? a single parent? a hurting teen? Let's unfold our arms and reach out today, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's A Small, Small World

On April 10th, my world got very small as I watched my husband suffer from injuries caused by a car driving over his entire left side. He saw the wheel coming toward his head and turned it just in time, sparing his life by only an inch.

He ended up with 5 broken ribs and severe deep tissue bruising up his leg to the shoulder and a slightly punctured lung. It could have been so much worse and we are grateful that the Lord spared Ivan's life. This could have been an entirely different blog, that's for sure!

I remember sitting on the couch in Ivan's room and it seemed all I could focus on was his face; every movement, every grimace, every inch of the face I have loved for over 36 years.

We spent every night in the hospital together, waking up every few hours because another nurse was checking his vitals or taking blood. We didn't care; we still had each other.

We sat by the hour in silence and looked out of the window as we realized that things could have been so different. He didn't damage his hips, pelvis, arm, shoulder or any other bones except those 5 ribs.

We took short walks around the halls as Ivan tried to work his legs and expand his lungs. There wasn't much to laugh about, but we both tried to smile at the nurses and each other.

About 50 people came to visit us over the week we spent in the hospital and it was comforting to know that many more were praying us through this crisis. We saw how important human connection is and how valuable prayer is.

As I sat by the window each day, I began to think about the single parents and their kids who I minister to and how their world also shrinks when they are in crisis. Their world is altered, the loss is immense and the pain is long-lasting.

I have a stronger resolve to walk alongside our families, draw them to Jesus each day and help them in the depths of their pain. God is the Ultimate Healer; He is healing my husband and my emotions and He can heal them as well.

I praise God Ivan is recovering, I thank Him for carrying us through this crisis and I am ready to keep leading people to the Ultimate Healer. Praise His name!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Who Are You Really?

Who are you REALLY?

Why is it that we let human beings, imperfect human beings, determine our self-image? Why do we allow them to verbally and/or physically beat us down when all the Lord wants is to build us up and bring us to Himself?

I meet with and have phone conversations with women and kids throughout each week who are beaten down, depleted, confused and hurt to distraction. As they share their stories, my heart hurts for them as I realize how the enemy has buried them with guilt and shame, self-hatred and disillusion.

Psalm 139 begins with,"O Lord, You have searched me and You know me."The God of the universe made you, values you, loves you, forgives you, accepts you and wants to have a close relationship with you as His child. Now, doesn't that sound better than the lies we may believe from others?

Later in this passage, David says, "If I say, 'Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me, even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.'"

Replace those doubts and hurts that may have buried you with this. "For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

The first step in standing stronger as a woman of God is to recognize Who is in you and define yourself by that! You are an incredible miracle of God, the apple of His eye, His princess/prince, full of gifts and talents you may not have even realized yet. Let Jesus Christ define who you are, throw off the negative influences and pounding you may have had in your past, in His name.

Who are you? You are fabulous, Dahling! May God bless you this day with a renewed sense of self in Him!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why ,God, Why?

This morning, I met with a teen girl who is questioning why God would allow her family to go through some devastating things over the last month. She said, "I know God is aware of everything, He loves us and is supposed to protect us as our Heavenly Father, but I have a hard time understanding why He has allowed us to go through so much pain."

Have you ever been in this place? Have you ever had your faith shaken and you begin to ask God, "Why?" I know I have a few times in my life. I have a tendency to ask Him about why so many children are allowed to go through the devastation of divorce, abuse, neglect, etc. at the hands of their parents and other adults. "Why, God, why?" They did nothing to deserve this!

All my upbringing as a pastor's kid has told me that God sees all, knows all, is everywhere, etc. This world is ruled by sin, but the Almighty God is the Ruler of all. He doesn't cause the sins of human beings, but He is nearby to help us go through it and to heal from it.

Nothing gets by Him or is out of His sight, which can make us pretty uncomfortable at times, can't it? Yes, He was there when this and this and this happened in our lives. Yes, He sees us as we are sinning against Him, whether we want to believe it or want to notice it. He is there through every hurtful and painful experience and wants us to run to Him for shelter and comfort.

2 Cor. 1:3-4-"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, Who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."

Psalm 10:14-"But You, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; You consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to You; You are the Helper of the fatherless.

Isaiah 41:10-"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Be encouraged, friends, that there is never a moment you are out of His sight. We may never know why He has caused or allowed something our lives, but we can use our pain for good and bring glory to Him by bringing comfort to others. Stand strong on His strength and step over the enemy's attempts to make you doubt the Lord God. You are stronger than you think, in the name of Jesus!